Fatih Syuhud Master of Indonesian Bloggers

It isn’t easy to get rank 5 of our blog. But if we want to know whose blog get that rank? See this:

It’s Fatih Syuhud’s blog. Don’t ask how does his blog get that rank, but visit it.. we’ll find the answer.

When the first time I know the world of blogs, I visited his blog. I got many knowledges from him. He always remind us with his famous statement:

“I'd love to see many more Indonesian bloggers blog in English, the most-widely-understood world language. So that the world knows and understands more about Indonesia by reading anything written by Blogger Indonesia. Don't let your voice echoes only in your backyard. "In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principles, stand like a rock."

That's way, in this blog I do my best to post in english although my English isn’t good enough. Whoelse can make Indonesian bloggers be proud of except ourself as Indonesians.

I find something strange when Indonesian bloggers visit English blogs. They are too lazy to make any comments. I don’t know the reasons why but as far as I know they feel lazy to translate the posting even there is “Google Translate in the blog” or maybe the posting of the blog is too long or there are some difficult words that are not familiar with the readers.

This is our homework to make Indonesian bloggers socialize blog in English, so our voices can be heard by the people around the world.
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