Yada Yada Prayer Group

We are excited to announce a new Girlfriends Prayer Group entitled, The Yada Yada Prayer Group! "Yada” in Hebrew means “to know and be known intimately” and is found 944 times in the Old Testament! (Of course, in Yiddish it means, “You know, you know” or “whatever.”) But this group is not for just "whatever"! We believe when women pray God hears and responds. We also believe when women uphold each other together in prayer we create an atmosphere where miracles can happen!

Beginning October 3rd we will be meeting before service each Sunday morning between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. in room 552 at Kentwood HS. We invite you to come join with us as we prayer for one another and our specific needs. Come anytime during that half hour and stay as long or little as you like. Let's join together and pray for one another and see what God will do!
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